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   日期:2024-10-31     作者:caijiyuan    caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://keant.xrbh.cn/news/11879.html





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1.“深水区” uncharted waters

2.“啃硬骨头” grapple with tough problems

3.破冰突围 breakthroughs limited to certain areas

4.历史性变革、系统性重塑、整体性重构 historic, systemic, and holistic transformations

5.坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实 free our minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and take a realistic and pragmatic approach

6.节约集约 conserve resources and use them efficiently

7.从严治党 rigorous Party self-governance

8.制度型开放 institutional opening up

9.自贸试验区 pilot free trade zones

10.中国式现代化 Chinese modernization


1.“敢为人先” pioneering

2.外商投资负面清单 negative list for foreign investment

3.外商独资汽车制造企业 wholly foreign-owned automobile manufacturing enterprise

4.动工 broke ground

5.从洽谈到签约 from business negotiation to contract signing

6.以开放促改革、促发展、促创新 opening up to promote reform, development and innovation

7.第六届中国国际进口博览会 the sixth China International import Expo (CIIE)

8.创历届新高 setting a record high

9.以全要素生产率提升为核心标志的新质生产力 the new quality productive forces marked by a substantial increase in total factor productivity

10.质优物美 high-quality products

11.胸怀天下 a global vision

12.比数字更直观的,是各国人民的获得感 What matters more than the numbers is the sense of gain of people in various countries.

13.数字政策对话机制 Digital policy dialogue mechanism

14.数字经济 digital economy

15.数字贸易 digital trade

16.高水平社会主义市场经济体制 high-standard socialist market economy system

17.宏观经济治理 macroeconomic governance

18.全国统一大市场 unified national market

19.稳扎稳打 steady efforts

20.可圈可点 do a pretty good job

21.“稳定器” an anchor

22.“动力源” source of strength

23.插上腾飞的翅膀 gives us wings to fly

24.“中国好货” quality Chinese-made products

25.稳中有进 steady growth

26.翻山跨海的“钢铁驼队” a “steel camel” that runs across the continent

27.满载发展机遇的“黄金列车” a “golden train” loaded with development opportunities


1.“一带一路”国际技能大赛 Belt and Road International Skills Competition

2.职业技能 vocational skills

3.人文交流 people-to-people exchange

4.红色传统 traditions from revolutionary times

5.“新中式” neo-Chinese styles

6.“新脉动” new momentum

7.Neo-Glam 新华丽摇滚

8.Neo-Trance 新迷幻舞曲

9.国风服饰 traditional Chinese attire

10.国货美妆品牌 Chinese beauty brands

11.“出海” drives this trend

12.低龄蚕自动化养殖系统 automated farming system for young silkworms

13.被赋予丰富的文化内涵 are imbued with rich cultural connotations

14.“文化+”的多维表达 multidimensional expression of traditional Chinese culture

15.文化联名款 co-branded products

16.文化遗产保护数字化 Cultural Heritage Conservation by Digitization

17.文化遗产 cultural heritage

18.文化创新 cultural innovation

19.中轴线保护 Central Axis protection

20.中华五千年文明 the 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization


1.中国入境旅游发展报告 China inbound tourism development report

2.中国旅游日 China Tourism Day

3.单方面免签政策 unilateral visa-free policy

4.专利开放许可制度 patent open license system

5.专利产业化 industrialization of patents

6.专利链 patent chain


1.旅游公共服务 tourism public service

2.旅游业高质量发展 high-quality development of the tourism sector

3.入境旅游 inbound tourism

4.照照镜子 take a hard look in the mirror

5.堆积如山 mounting

6.深恶痛绝 detested

7.“探店”视频 shop hop videos

8.压马路 strolling in Chinese cities and towns

9.赏民俗 enjoying folk custom performances

10.传递“第一手中国” share their first-hand experience

11.打卡“中国行” unlock“China Travel” experience

12.文化和旅游消费 cultural and tourism consumption

13.国内旅游 domestic tourist trip

14.“互联网+”监管模式 "internet plus" monitoring mode

15.养老资金 elderly care funds

16.养老产业 elderly care industry

17.“决口” a dike breach in/a dike burst in

18.要及时转移并妥善安置受威胁地区群众 people in threatened areas should be evacuated in a timely manner and properly resettled

19.全力开展抢险救援工作,切实保护好人民群众生命财产安全 all-out rescue work should be carried out to protect the safety of people's lives and property

20.国家防总 the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters

21.加强指导 strengthen guidance

22.进入主汛期以来,一些地方降雨量大、持续时间长,防汛形势严峻 entered the main flood season, some areas in the country have experienced heavy rainfall for a prolonged duration, leading to a severe flood control situation

23.存在较大风险隐患 posing significant risks and hidden dangers

24.及时发现并第一时间处置险情 promptly identify and address any potential risks to ensure safety

25.全力做好抢险处置工作,控制险情发展,妥善安置受灾群众 all efforts should be made to deal with the emergency, control the development of the situation, properly accommodate the affected people

26.加强库坝堤防巡查防守 strengthen the patrol of reservoirs and embankments

27.国家防总、水利部、应急管理部 the State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters, the Ministry of Water Resources and the Ministry of Emergency Management


1.“比比皆是” be fraught with

2.层出不穷 commonplace

3.以教师爷自居 in position to lecture

4.凝聚各方更多共识 build more consensus

5.谱写合作崭新篇章 open up a new chapter of cooperation

6.划时代的 epoch-making

7.人类命运共同体 a community with a shared future for mankind

8.和平共处五项原则 the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence

9.历史必然 a natural step

10.重申坚持主权平等、秉持相互尊重 reaffirmed the importance of upholding sovereign equality and mutual respect

11.走和平发展道路 committed to the path of peaceful development

12.追求合作共赢 pursuing win-win cooperation

13.捍卫国际公道正义 safeguarding international fairness and justice

14.展现开放包容 embracing an open and inclusive mindset

15.事实有目共睹 The facts are there for all to see

16.彻头彻尾的谎言 nothing but a lie

17.反复炒作谎言谬论 keeps peddling the lies and disinformation

18.“同心笃行” Staying True to Our Shared Commitment

19.“丝绸之路经济带” the Silk Road Economic Belt

20.鼎力相助 do our utmost to support each other

21.中国传统医学中心 a center of traditional Chinese medicine

22.常来常往 visit each other as frequently as

23.大有可为,且必将大有作为 can and will accomplish a great deal

24.“与朋友交,言而有信” "We must be people of our word in dealing with friends."

25.中欧班列 China-Europe Railway Express

26.跨里海国际运输走廊 Trans-Caspian International Transport Route

27.完善立体多元高效的互联互通格局 make the network connecting our two countries more multidimensional, diverse and efficient

28.“上下同欲者胜,同舟共济者赢” "Success comes to those who share in one purpose. Triumph belongs to those who pull together in times of challenge."

29.“五指成拳,万众一心”。five fingers held together make a powerful fist, and many people working in unity form a mighty force.

30.危与机总是相辅相生,危中有机,危可转机 in every challenge lies an opportunity, and that challenges and opportunities are interchangeable

31.“泼脏水” Sling mud

32.封锁制裁 blockade and sanctions

33.反恐 fight terrorism

34.心里装的是掠夺资源的算计 the reality says it’s there to plunder

35.把人权挂在嘴边 keeps emphasizing human rights

36.人道危机 humanitarian crises

37.毫无事实依据 without citing a verifiable source or showing evidence

38.堂堂正正、光明正大 be done aboveboard

39.积力所举无不胜,众智所为无不成 "Victory is ensured when people pool their strength together; Success is secured whenpeople put their heads together."

40.志合者,不以山海为远 "No mountain or ocean can distance people who have shared aspirations."

41.有识变之智、应变之方、求变之勇 have the wisdom to see the changes, the ability to deal with the changes, and the courage to make changes.

42.消弭分歧 bridge our differences

43.多几道保障就多几分把握 more lines of defense will give us more protection

44.不要替他国“火中取栗” serving as the cat’s pawat their own expense

45.“沉浸式” first person view

46.贩卖“安全焦虑” scaremongering on security

47.树立“假想敌” making imaginary enemies

48.捕风捉影 creating hypes

49.臆测和炒作 assumptions and speculations

50.无人机外卖服务 food delivery by drone

51.无人驾驶出租车 self-driving air taxi

52.爆火 boom

53.暗中操弄 acting behind the scene

54.无中生有 non-existent case

55.“偏袒” favoritism

56.指手画脚、横加干涉 judge and interfere

57.全球反兴奋剂治理体系 the global anti-doping governance system

58.中国反兴奋剂工作 China’s anti-doping effort

59.非法“坐滩” illegally grounded military vessel

60.保护南沙群岛珊瑚礁系统和岛礁周边海洋环境 the protection of the coral reef system of Nansha Qundao and the surrounding marine environment of its islands and reefs

61.“落地生根、蓬勃发展” thrive and deliver

62.人享其行、物畅其流 generating greater and smooth flows of people and goods

63.看得见、摸得着 a tangible and stronger sense

64.开放永不止步,合作面向未来 We remain committed to opening up and cooperation for a shared future.

65.深入人心 deepening the people-to-people connectivity

66.开放包容、互联互通、共同发展的世界 an open, inclusive and interconnected world for common development

67.“鉴往以知来,循道而致远” One learns from the pastin order to understand the future, and follows the right path to go far

68.应运而生 Born at a time

69.民族独立解放运动 national independence and liberation movements

70.势不可挡 unstoppable

71.形形色色 various

72.核心利益 core interests

73.重大关切 major concerns

74.选边站队 pick sides

75.与邻为善、以邻为伴 developing friendship and partnership with its neighbors

76.同呼吸、共命运 stands with somebody through thick and thin

77.“环环相扣” interlocked

78.大和解、大团结 reconciliation and unity

79.“三步走” three-step

80.言行一致 keep its word

81.节外生枝 create problems

82.“一蹴而就” be accomplished overnight

83.大踏步赶上时代 catch up with the times with big strides

84.“四个应该” four principles

85.和谈方案 peace talks

86.“三关切” three appeals

87.防止核风险 prevent nuclear risks

88.循序渐进 make incremental progress

89.所有冲突的解决,最后都要回到谈判桌前 all conflicts ultimately have to be resolved at the negotiating table

90.“世界波” worldie

91.新型战略伙伴关系 a new strategic partnership

92.“无限伟大” “infinitely greater”

93.抗击饥饿 fight against hunger

94.“首发球员” a starter

95.交流互鉴 exchanges and mutual learning

96.带芯片的足球内胆 chip-embedded soccer balls

97.增添更多科技感和观赏性 more stunning visually and technologically

98.赛出好成绩,圆梦巴黎 the best of luck reaching for their dreams in Paris

99.“以对话解争端,以协商化分歧,以合作促安全” resolving disputes and differences through dialogueand consultation and enhancing security through cooperation

100.LED地板屏 high-end LED video floor

101.水火不容 incompatible as fire with water

102.言行不一 saying one thing and doing another

103.持续优化 increasingly friendly

104.知识产权保护水平 capacity for IPR protection

105.与各方共守知识产权“火种” humanity will always benefit from the kindling power of intellectual property

106.版权保护是中国知识产权保护的缩影 China’s work on copyright protection is a reflection of China’s larger effort on IPR protection.


1.碳纤维地铁列车 Carbon fiber metro

2.碳纤维复合材料 carbon fiber composite

3.绿色转型 green transformation

4.加强人工智能能力建设国际合作决议 A resolution on enhancing international cooperation for AI capacity building

5.智能产业 intelligent industry

6.国际科技交流合作 international scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation

7.北斗卫星导航系统 the Beidou Satellite Navigation System

8.中欧跨里海直达快运 A road transport route to a Caspian Sea port

9.跨里海国际运输路线 the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route

10.高质量共建“一带一路” high-quality Belt and Road cooperation

11.二维晶体 two-dimensional crystals

12.光子集成电路 photonic integrated circuits

13.超薄光学芯片 ultra-thin optical chips

14.深海重载作业采矿车“开拓二号” deep-sea heavy-duty mining vehicle "Pioneer II"

15.创新型国家 an innovative country

16.海洋经济 marine economy

17.国际基础科学大会 The International Congress of Basic Science

18.科技前沿领域 the frontier fields of science and technology

19.基础研究 fundamental research

20.商业航天 commercial space

21.科技互动展厅 interactive exhibition hall for science and technology

22.通信卫星 telecommunication satellite

23.近地轨道 low Earth orbit

24.太阳能动力微型无人机 tiny solar-powered drone

25.静电电机 electrostatic motor

26.科技前沿 frontiers of science

27.分子水 molecular water

28.月球样品 lunar samples

29.水合盐 hydrated salts

30.国际月球科研站 international lunar research station

31.研发经费投入 Research and Experimental Development (R&D) spending

32.科技前沿领域 the frontier fields of science and technology

33.科技创新 sci-tech innovation


1.《中国的海洋生态环境保护》白皮书 a white paper titled "Marine Eco-Environmental Protection in China"

2.生态文明 ecological civilization

3.海洋考古 marine archaeology

4.“河海联动、山海互济” the management ofthe marine eco-environmentthrough land-sea coordination,coordinating protection workfor rivers and seas

5.生命的摇篮 the cradle of life

6.人类文明的源泉 the source of human civilization

7.“要像对待生命一样关爱海洋” “care for the ocean as dearly as we treasure our lives”

8.根本性、开创性、长远性 fundamental, pioneering, and long-term significance

9.中国海洋生态环境 China’s marine eco-environment

10.海洋资源 Marine resources

11.海洋生态环境治理体系 the system for governing the marine eco-environment

12.陆海统筹、综合治理 coordinated land-sea management and overall governance of the marine environment

13.海洋生态环境保护 marine eco-environmental protection


1.海峡两岸青年发展论坛 cross-Strait youth development forum

2.两岸交流合作 cross-Strait exchanges and cooperation

3.两岸关系和平发展 peaceful development of cross-Strait relations


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